Saturday, January 19, 2008

First Sem @ Deis!

So this is probably the first time i'm writing something like a journal entry or a blog. I usually stay away from these kind of things but i'll give it a shot anyway. I'm going to try and put down a few thoughts about my first semester @ Deis!

The entire college journey has been quite an experience for me and for all the part of it a Good experience. A Little apprehensive about shifting to a new school, a new state, a new country all together, i now feel like i belong here. The thought of rooming with two individuals who i had no idea about was exciting at the same time frightening. An entire semester gone by i ask myself do i have any complaints -- all i can think of is how lucky i have been. I probably have the two best roommates on campus - who are now my best friends @ deis. We dine together, laugh and cry together ( i know a cliched but it's all True!!!). This one aspect of "the college experience" has made everything else ten times more fun.
Moving on, I soon made it into the Tennis varsity team. Though not ranked too high in the team itself my goal is to work my way up!
The worst part of my first semester would have had to be my UWS class! On the bright side it's over now! :0)
I'm finally in the classes which i want to take and hope to gain the most from them.

Woah! So i guess i'm going to stop now!

Here's to the second semester........

Cheers :0)
